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What's the domain name of my node.js server?

I am trying to fetch data from the server to my flutter app. This is my server side code in Node.js:

const express=require('express');
const app=express();
const getres='himu you got the request';
const name= req.body.name;

res.end('hello world');
res.json('hey from nodejs');


This is my flutter code where I am trying to fetch a string from the server but the string is returning null when I am printing in the flutter console.I am confused what should be my DOMAIN .

const PROTOCOL = "http";
const DOMAIN = "localhost:3000";

Future<RequestResult> http_get(String route, [dynamic data]) async
  var dataStr = jsonEncode(data);
  var url = "$PROTOCOL://$DOMAIN/$route?data=$dataStr";
  var result = await http.get(url);
  return RequestResult(true, jsonDecode(result.body));

Here I am trying to print the data

 Future<void> getdata() async {
   var result= await http_get('get');

As seen, there is no problem with domain, try removing the query parameter in the url variable

const PROTOCOL = "http";
const DOMAIN = "localhost:3000";

Future<RequestResult> http_get(String route, [dynamic data]) async
  var dataStr = jsonEncode(data);
  var url = "$PROTOCOL://$DOMAIN/$route?data=$dataStr";
  var result = await http.get(url);
  return RequestResult(true, jsonDecode(result.body));

Here your query parameter ?data=$dataStr is not availabe as you have only set the routes not the queries in the backend.
You can send your get request to /get route

When you say the server is it on your local machine on which your flutter is also running

if yes, then your domain is localhost:3000

else domain name is IP of the server where your Node code is hosted and running, (if you have DNS masked with IP, you can you use something like http://myserver.com , myserver is the domain name you masked hypothetically)

if your flutter app is running on mobile device and nodeJs on the local machine, you will need to be on the same network with your machine to access localhost:3000

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