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Passing python command line arguments using bazel py_binary

So I am trying to combine using python and bazel together and I was wondering if there is a way to pass the values of a python script arguments while running that script through a bazel target.

So the idea is:

I have some main.py file that accepts args and executes some logic

import argparse

class ClassA:
  def __init__(self, arg1):
  #incredible logic happens here :D 

def parse_arguments():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="....")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ARGS = parse_arguments()
    ClassA(ARGS.arg1) # will execute whatever has to happen and return something

usually, in order to run this script, I would just run something like:

python -m main.py --arg1=val1

but now I am interested in executing this script while having a bazel target for it, something like:


    name = "binary1",
    srcs = ["main.py"],
    main = "main.py",
    visibility = ["//public"],

Is there a way to run that script using somethin like: bazel run //path/to/py_binary --arg1=val1

If not what are the alternatives on running that python script while using this bazel target?

PS I am using Python 3.5+

You can do this by putting -- before the command line options you want to pass to the binary, like this:

bazel run //pkg:binary1 -- --arg1=val1


bazel run -- //pkg:binary1 --arg1=val1

See https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/user-manual.html#run

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