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How to add argument to stream buffer c++

I just want a way to have a function ( or anything else ) which have one standard argument and another one coming from the operator <<.

my_comp(argument) << "HelloWorld" ;

The goal is to purpose a Logger class that any other class can easily extends and call its unique functionality with a single line of code.

The Logger class mainly use boost/log/ packages, and its unique functionally may be write many time. This is why I want it in a single line.

I do not authorize myself to use the function:

BOOST_LOG_SEV(argument_boost_dependent, argument_logger_class_dependent) << "something"

because I do not want any dependency with boost on my interface.

So I'm trying to do something like this:

loggit(argument_logger_class_dependent) << "something"

and just call BOOST_LOG_SEV with boosts arguments in the class implementation

For now I just have a struct that extends std::streambuf so it only work like this: loggit << "HelloLog" or by overriding operator () loggit(severity_level::warning) but both together do not work.

If anyone know how to add this sweety argument, would be welcome:)


Slightly improvising on @Swordfish's answer: instead of calling a constructor each time, one can overload the operator() as below:

#include <iostream>

struct foo
    int bar;

    foo() {};
    foo& operator() (int arg)
        bar = arg;
        return *this;
    foo& operator<<(std::string baz)
        std::cout << bar << ' ' << baz;
        // call BOOST_LOG_SEV with arg and baz
        return *this;

int main()
    foo logger;
    logger(42) << "Hells in the World!\n"; //prints " 42 Hells in the World!"
    logger(32) << "So is heaven\n";  //prints "32 So is heaven"
#include <iostream>

struct foo
    int bar;

    foo(int bar) : bar{ bar } {};
    foo& operator<<(std::string baz)
        std::cout << bar << ' ' << baz;
        return *this;

int main()
    foo(42) << "Hells in the World!\n";

Makes sense? No? Question answered?

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