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PRAW and Discord.py

I am trying to grab the score of a inputted URL using a discord bot. For instance you put in the command, the bot asks for the URL, you input the URL and the discord bot reply's with the score.

Not sure if this is possible with praw if it is, someone please correct me. However this is how you can do it using the requests module. You can get the user's input in discord.py using Client.wait_for :

async def reddit(ctx):
    await ctx.send('Enter submission url.')

    def check(m):
        return m.author == ctx.message.author and m.channel == ctx.channel
    msg = await client.wait_for('message', check=check)

    url = f"{msg.content}.json"
    data = requests.get(url, headers={'User-agent': 'my discord bot by v1.0 /u/jwd'}).json()
    score = data[0]['data']['children'][0]['data']['ups']
    await ctx.send(score)

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