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How to Use RESTful APIs with Django

I have been trying to integrate a REST API developed using Django-rest framework with another Django web app. But stuck in passing JSON data into the front-end. I would appreciate any help. Here are my respective files.

I have tried two different urls on views.py file, one is AWS API Gateway API, when used no errors are thrown but data is not displayed in front-end.

AWS API JSON data where object is like {'key': 'value'}. it contains only one object though


def ClientList(request):
      response = requests.get('A URL')
      client_data = response.json()
      return render(request, 'clients/client_list.html', context=client_data)

When I change the url in views.py for django-rest framework API then I get an error like " the JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, not list " JSON data where objects are like [{key: value},{key:value}, ...] Table body was changed accordingly.

FrontEnd HTML

<table class="table data-list-view">
               {% for client in client_data %}
                 <td class="product-name">{{client.UserId}}</td>
                 <td class="product-category">{{client.Height}}</td>
                 <td class="product-category">{{client.Income}}</td>
                 <td class="product-category">{{client.Age}}</td>
               {% endfor %}

Modified view. The returned json list is converted into dictionary. And it worked. Note: dictionary key need to match in html too.

def ClientList(request):
    response = requests.get('')
    client_data = response.json()
    context = {'client_data': client_data}
    return render(request, 'clients/client_list.html', context)

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