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Python re.sub with word

i have problem!

I get automatically strings (titles) with sometimes like Amazon in it. But these are most times Like that

..... (Amazon & Wallmart) 

or ..... [Amazon & Wallmart]

But i want no to delete the hole () or [] and not just the Amazon in it.

So i need to delete the complete [Amazon & Wallmart] or (Amazon & Wallmart) if Amazon is in it

I tried that, but does not work

name = re.sub("[\(\[].*Amazon*?[\)\]]", "", name)

In Python, escape the backslashes or use the r prefix.

Using the former:

re.sub("[\\(\\[].*Amazon*?[\\)\\]]", "", name)

Using the latter:

re.sub(r"[\(\[].*Amazon*?[\)\]]", "", name)

In Regex, replace .*Amazon* with .*Amazon.* . The former will match anything or nothing followed by Amazo followed by zero or more n *s, while the latter will match anything or nothing followed by Amazon followed by anything or nothing.

Also, you can use the backreference feature for Regex.

re.sub(r"([\(\[]).*Amazon.*?\1", "", name)

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