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How to remove CRLF and a new line from text file using batch command

Goal is to do the following using batch script:

  1. Extract hostname from windows machine.
  2. apply sha256 hash on hostname value (obtained from step1).

My system's hostname is: W0000000000ZQ

My batch script looks like this:

@echo off
CertUtil -hashfile hostname.txt SHA256 //<- this is generating wrong sha256 string because
                                       //   the above generated file contains CRLF and a new line
                                       //   screenshot of this file provided below.
CertUtil -hashfile hostname-manual.txt SHA256 //<- this is generating correct sha256 string because
                                              //   i manually created this file and pasted hostname
                                              //   only (W0000000000ZQ) without CRLF and new line.
                                              //   screenshot of this file provided below.





Output from the script:


Can you please suggest how to remove CRLF and a newline from "hostname.txt" so that Certutil will pick correct string to generate sha256 value.

下面将主机名保存到一个没有尾随 CRLF 的文件中。

for /f %%h in ('hostname') do (>hostname.txt <nul set /p unused=%%h)

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