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I'm making a function that return the sum of the all number in the FizzBuzz list. I thought it would be fine but not working. In Python

The result is 0 It should be 60 if I type 15 but not. I don't know why but n_numlist is empty. Where is my mistake? I cannot find it!! Is there someone who can find? Please help me!!

#This is my code:

def to_fizzbuzz(number):
    if number % 15 == 0:
        return 'FizzBuzz'

    if number % 3 == 0:
        return 'Fizz'

    if number % 5 == 0:
        return 'Buzz'

        return str(number)
        # return i

def main():
    N = int(input())
    # this list concludes "FizzBuzz", "Fizz" or "Buzz"
    fblist = []
    for number in range(1, 10**6):
        result = to_fizzbuzz(number)

    # the list up to N
    n_list = fblist[0:N]
    # this list contains only numbers and up to N

    n_numlist = []

    for s in n_list:
        if s.isdigit == True:



You need to change your for s in n_list loop to this:

for s in n_list:
    if s.isdigit() == True:

Because isdigit() is a function, you need to add () to the end of it to call it.

Because you return your numbers as strings - return str(number) - it can't sum them, so you need to convert them back to integers when you append them to n_numlist .

x = int(input())

inputList = list(range(1,x+1)) #creating a list [1,x]
stringList = [str(a) for a in inputList] #changing int elements to string

for n, i in enumerate(stringList): #n shows which element from list, i shows this element

    if int(i) %15 == 0: #changing to int because we are doing math
        stringList[n] = "FizzBuzz" 

    elif int(i) %5 == 0:
        stringList[n] = "Fizz"

    elif int(i) %3 == 0:
        stringList[n] = "Buzz"

print(stringList) #let's see our new list

last_list = [] #lets add output list

for a in stringList: 
        if a.isdigit() == True: #you forgot put () to isdigit by the way 

int_last_list = [int(a) for a in last_list] #we are changing all elements to int because we are going to do some math.


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