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Coloring words based on text list using python

I got two text files d.txt containing paragraph text and phrase.txt containing multi worded phrases like State-of-the-art, counter productive, Fleet Dynamism and like some found in link below


I need to color font matching phrase in d.txt if it is found in phrase.txt

Efforts so far:

phrases = open("phrase.txt").readlines()
words = open("d.txt").read()

for phrase in phrases:
    all_words_found = False
    phrase_words = phrase.lower().split(" ")
    for word in phrase_words:
        if word in words:
            all_words_found = True

    if all_words_found:
        print (phrase)

Expected output: 在此处输入图片说明

Please Help!

thanks for the help:

Update: to create html output

To change the code above to create html output add a tag around the word during replace rather than ansi. The example here will use a simple span tag

words = ["catch phrase", "codeword"]
phrase = "He said a catch phrase. And a codeword was written on a wall."

new_phrase = phrase
for word in words:
    new_phrase = new_phrase.replace(i, f'<span style="color:Red;">{word}</span>')
print(new_phrase) #Rather than printing, send this wherever you want it.

Solution for inline print

However, to answer your basic question, which is how to replace a set of words in a given paragraph with the same word in a different color, try using .replace() and ansi color escape codes. This will work if you want to print out the words in your python environment.

Here's a simple example of a way to turn certain words in a line of text red:

words = ["catch phrase", "codeword"]
phrase = "He said a catch phrase. And a codeword was written on a wall."

new_phrase = phrase
for i in words:
    new_phrase = new_phrase.replace(i, f'\033[91m{i}\033[0;0m')

Here is another stackoverflow post which talks about ANSI escape codes and colors in python output: How to print colored text in Python? ANSI escape codes are a way to change the color of your output - google them to find more options/colors.

In this example here are the codes I used: First to change the color to red:


Afer setting the color, you also have to change it back or the rest of the output will also be that color:


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