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Regex for dollar currency format

I need a regex to check if the value is valid dollar currency

eg 12,123,212.00

  • It should accept "," as per the dollar format XXX,XXX,XXX
  • Should accept only one decimal, only two digit after decimal
  • Value can also be without "," eg 12123212.00

You can try this...


If you really want to use regex to validate your input then you may consider:


RegEx Demo

Other answers miss your requirement Value can also be without "," eg 12123212.00

So I think you should go with:


Demo: https://regex101.com/r/FkWLjr/3

Feel free to overload the syntax with non capturing groups if the capturing groups bother you.

If you want to allow amounts without decimal parts, just change \.\d{2}$ to (\.\d{2})?$ .

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