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Format string as currency REGEX

I'm currently trying to transform some data before displaying on NetSuite server side with suitescript 1.

Unfortunately, can't use toLocaleString .

Data Output Expected
1000 1000USD 1,000.00 USD
1 1EUR 1.00 EUR
2000000.1 2000000.1GBD 2,000,000.10 GBD

Any idea how I can accomplish that? mostly looking to do it with a simple function like this one

fuction formatThis(str){
  return String(str).replace(/(.)(?=(\d{3})+$)/g, '$1,');

If your version of NetSuite is 2.0, you may only have access to ECMA Script 5.1

Here is a function that would do the formatting without using ECMAScript 2015 features. It takes a second argument for the currency. I don't see that anywhere in your examples on the input side:

 function format(str, currency) { return (str + ".00").replace(/(\.\d)\.00/, "$10").replace(/\.+(\d{0,2}).*/, ".$1 " + currency).replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\b)/g, "$&,"); } // Examples: console.log(format("1000", "USD")); console.log(format("1", "EUR")); console.log(format("2000000.1", "GBD"));

You can extract the leading number, and format the currency using a bunch of regexes:

 function formatCurrency(str) { return str.replace(/^[0-9\.]+/, function(m) { // extract the leading number return parseInt(Number(m) * 100, 10) // convert the number to cents.toString() // convert back to string.replace(/(..)$/, '.$1') // add dot, eg restore currency from cents.replace(/(.{12})$/, ',$1') // add comma to billion.replace(/(.{9})$/, ',$1') // add comma to million.replace(/(.{6})$/, ',$1') // add comma to thousand + ' '; }); } [ '1000USD', '1EUR', '2000000.1GBD' ].forEach(str => { console.log(str + ' => ' + formatCurrency(str)); });


1000USD => 1,000.00 USD
1EUR => 1.00 EUR
2000000.1GBD => 2,000,000.10 GBD

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