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Entity Framework Core postgresql Array Type Mapping not working

I have a strange problem, maybe it is something that I'm missing out, but I have the following LINQ Lambda query:

var ss = ctx.ShipZones.SelectMany(
                z => ctx.ShipDecks,
                (z, d) =>
                        Zone = z.ZIndex,
                        Deck = d.DIndex,
                        Value = ctx.Tags
                            .Include(s => s.TagSettings.Device.System)
                            .Where(s =>
                                 s.TagSettings.TagTypeId == 171
                                 && s.TagSettings.Device.System.Id == z.Id
                                 && s.TagSettings.Device.ControlArea.Contains(d.Id)

                            .Average(s => s.Value)


According to this article, this should be translated to this:

SELECT z.z_index AS "Zone", d.d_index AS "Deck", (
  SELECT AVG(t.value)
  FROM tags_current_data AS t
  INNER JOIN tags_settings AS t0 ON t.tag_id = t0.id
  INNER JOIN systems_devices AS s ON t0.device_id = s.id
  INNER JOIN systems AS s0 ON s.system_id = s0.id
  WHERE ((t0.tag_type_id = 171) AND (s0.id = z.id)) AND (d.id = ANY(s.control_area))) AS "Value"
FROM zones AS z

But somehow, the translated query is like this:

SELECT z.z_index AS "Zone", d.d_index AS "Deck", (
  SELECT AVG(t.value)
  FROM tags_current_data AS t
  INNER JOIN tags_settings AS t0 ON t.tag_id = t0.id
  INNER JOIN systems_devices AS s ON t0.device_id = s.id
  INNER JOIN systems AS s0 ON s.system_id = s0.id
  WHERE ((t0.tag_type_id = 171) AND (s0.id = z.id)) AND (TRUE = FALSE)) AS "Value"
FROM zones AS z

The difference is where it should be d.id = ANY(s.control_area) it is TRUE = FALSE

Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

Julian Dimitrov

I was able to solve my problem. It is in this issue.


It was in the entities configuration. The ControlArea property in the Device entity was of type List<long> . When I changed it to long[] (long array) it worked!

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