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ECONNREFUSED on OmniSharp install in Visual Studio Code on WSL2 behind corporate cloud proxy

I have Visual Studio Code operating with Remote WSL 2 on Ubuntu 20.04 (on a Win10 box behind a corporate firewall) and wanted to install the C# extension.

On addition of the extension and each time I entered VS Code / WSL 2 on that particular workspace, the extension is not able to install the required OmniSharp & Co. packages:

Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

After checking several other posts I found the NO_PROXY environment variable, which does the trick when placed in .profile .


  1. add to your ~/.profile on WSL2:
export NO_PROXY=roslynomnisharp.blob.core.windows.net,vsdebugger.blob.core.windows.net,razorvscodetest.blob.core.windows.net
  1. close and start Visual Studio Code with Remote WSL again in the designated workspace

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