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Transpose a two dimensional Array with one row and many columns into a two dimensional array with many rows and one column

I have a two dimensional array with one row and many columns. I would like to flip this into a two dimensional array variable with one column and many rows.

var targetSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(market);
var shrinkLog = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1h3B4HN4mEnBvlx-8aNa9_2ooEZrkY_qLuJcuJXZq7dM").getSheetByName(market);

var dataArr = shrinkLog.getRange(2,3,1,shrinkLog.getLastColumn()).getValues();

I think the answer is in the map function, but keep returning errors, or getting different versions of the same one dimensional array. help is much appreciated.

I guess your goal as follows.

  • From var dataArr = shrinkLog.getRange(2,3,1,shrinkLog.getLastColumn()).getValues() , you want to retrieve the result from [[data1, data2, data3,,,]] to [[data1], [data2], [data3],,,]] .

In your case, shrinkLog.getRange(2,3,1,shrinkLog.getLastColumn()).getValues() returns [[data1, data2, data3,,,]] . So when your goal is achieved with map , the modified script is as follows.

Sample script:

var dataArr = shrinkLog.getRange(2,3,1,shrinkLog.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0].map(c => [c]);


  • In this case, please enable V8 runtime.


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