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networkx in python reading from csv file

I have a data in csv file and that has following datas in it:

    Origin  Destiny  Hours
0     Alat     Baku   1.08
1     Baku     Alat   1.13
2     Alat  Shirvan   0.83
3  Shirvan     Alat   0.80
4  Imishli  Shirvan   1.42
Index(['Origin', 'Destiny', 'Hours'], dtype='object')

Now when i do

G = networkx.from_pandas_edgelist(data, source='Origin', target='Destiny', edge_attr=True)

there happens a problem or a misunderstanding for me: Because both G.edges["Baku","Alat"] and G.edges["Alat","Baku"] gives the same result which is {'Hours': 1.13} . Why is it like this,as it should give 1.08 and 1.13 for reversed order.

You should use Directed graphs by using parameter create_using=networkx.DiGraph()

G = networkx.from_pandas_edgelist(
    data, source='Origin', target='Destiny', edge_attr=True,

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