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Converting Set<byte[]> to List<String>

I'm using redis in memory database in my application. We are adding to a set some string values using the sAdd method and fetching the values from set using the smembers method. This method is returning a Set<byte[]>. I need to convert this set to a list of String. I tried the below way but it is not working.

List<String> list = Arrays.asList((servKeys)).toArray();

You can use Base64 encoder with Stream API:

List<String> list = servKeys.stream()
    .map(bytes -> Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bytes))

Alternatively to Base64 , you can use new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) .

This depends on what kind of data byte[] is. The code above assumes a plain text, however, you can easily adjust the behavior.

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