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SQL: How do I save a query result as a new temp table?

I am beginner of SQL. How do I save the query result of Part A (already have multiple subqueries using WITH clause) as a new temp table, so that I can use it for the query in Part B (because the aggregation in Part B is based on Part A)? In the end, I would like to have results of Part A and Part B separately. I've tried to solution from other posts, but it doesn't seem to work for my problem as I have multiple subqueries using the WITH clause). Thank you in advance for your help!

/****** Part A ******/
WITH DL_source AS
        ,LAG(DeviceDateTime, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY HashID ORDER BY HashID, DeviceDateTime, LogID) AS Last_DeviceDateTime
       ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY HashID, DeviceDate, HourOfDay, MinOfHour, SecOfMin) AS LogID
       ,CAST(DeviceDate AS DATETIME)                                                                
       + CAST(TIMEFROMPARTS(HourOfDay, MinOfHour, SecOfMin,0 ,0) AS DATETIME) AS DeviceDateTime
    FROM [DM_RAW].[dbo].[WebAnalyticsVisit]                                 
    WHERE DeviceDate IS NOT NULL
    AND DeviceDate <> '1900-01-01'
    AND HashID <> '') AS DL_DateTime),
DL_Session_Source AS (
        ,DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DeviceDateTime, LEAD(DeviceDateTime, 1) OVER(PARTITION BY HashID ORDER BY DeviceDateTime ASC)) AS Min_btw_Page
        ,CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(minute, Last_DeviceDateTime, DeviceDateTime) <30 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS New_Session_flag
    FROM DL_source)
        ,SUM(New_Session_flag) OVER (ORDER BY HashID, DeviceDateTime, LogID) AS Session_Num
FROM DL_Session_Source

/****** Part B ******/
    ,COUNT(*) AS Num_Page
    ,MIN(DeviceDateTime) AS First_Page
    ,MAX(DeviceDateTime) AS Last_Page
FROM #cte_Visit_Record_cheunghm4532
GROUP BY Session_Num, HashID

Quick'n'easy option: When you get to the SELECT part at the bottom of Part A, put an INTO expression in.

Note for these statements, I have reduced the number of fields etc and replaced with ... for brevity/clarity.

WITH DL_source AS
    ... ),
DL_Session_Source AS (
    SELECT ...
    FROM DL_source)
INTO #cte_Visit_Record_cheunghm4532        -- Added this row
FROM DL_Session_Source;

Note that the above creates a new table - it will not insert into an existing table.

A more thorough/flexible version is to first create the temporary table, then instead of the SELECT above, make it an INSERT eg,

CREATE TABLE #cte_Visit_Record_cheunghm4532 (LogID int, HashID varchar(32), ...);

WITH DL_source AS
    ... ),
DL_Session_Source AS (
    SELECT ...
    FROM DL_source)
INSERT INTO #cte_Visit_Record_cheunghm4532 (LogID, HashID, ...)
   FROM DL_Session_Source;

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