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Android Array list filter and group items which have the same key value

I got this data from firebase and I want to group the items based on the deadline key value and get an array of grouped data.

  "-MJTP2ZF4-Qrn3xdK3x4" : {
    "comment" : "Clean ",
    "deadline" : "9/11/2020",
    "firstDeadline" : "12/10/2020",
    "interval" : 7,
    "owner" : "Mika",
    "parentTaskID" : "-MJTP2ZCNDXlgMsw6bHy",
    "subtask" : true,
    "title" : "Some "
  "-MJTP2ZF4-Qrn3xdK3x5" : {
    "comment" : "Clean ",
    "deadline" : "16/11/2020",
    "firstDeadline" : "12/10/2020",
    "interval" : 7,
    "owner" : "Mika",
    "parentTaskID" : "-MJTP2ZCNDXlgMsw6bHy",
    "subtask" : true,
    "title" : "Some "
  "-MJTPy8Q7MyGM5mO0b_N" : {
    "comment" : "7.3 C",
    "deadline" : "9/11/2020",
    "firstDeadline" : "12/10/2020",
    "interval" : 7,
    "owner" : "Mika",
    "parentTaskID" : "-MJTPy8PdX4DmWWC_DfE",
    "subtask" : true,
    "title" : "Temp"
  "-MJTPy8Q7MyGM5mO0b_O" : {
    "comment" : "7.3 C",
    "deadline" : "16/11/2020",
    "firstDeadline" : "12/10/2020",
    "interval" : 7,
    "owner" : "Mika",
    "parentTaskID" : "-MJTPy8PdX4DmWWC_DfE",
    "subtask" : true,
    "title" : "Temp"
  "-MLHTHmzx8J7Ifh0Mecx" : {
    "comment" : "Finally ",
    "deadline" : "4/11/2020",
    "owner" : "Mika",
    "repetition" : false,
    "title" : "Clean "
  "-MLHTx_ZK4n5dhkBb8TE" : {
    "comment" : "Dirty ",
    "deadline" : "04/12/2020",
    "owner" : "Mika",
    "repetition" : false,
    "title" : "Clean "

and I want to group items based on the deadline key and got something like this


  "-MJTP2ZF4-Qrn3xdK3x4" : {
    "comment" : "Clean ",
    "deadline" : "9/11/2020",
    "firstDeadline" : "12/10/2020",
    "interval" : 7,
    "owner" : "Mika",
    "parentTaskID" : "-MJTP2ZCNDXlgMsw6bHy",
    "subtask" : true,
    "title" : "Some "
    "-MJTPy8Q7MyGM5mO0b_N" : {
    "comment" : "7.3 C",
    "deadline" : "9/11/2020",
    "firstDeadline" : "12/10/2020",
    "interval" : 7,
    "owner" : "Mika",
    "parentTaskID" : "-MJTPy8PdX4DmWWC_DfE",
    "subtask" : true,
    "title" : "Temp"

         "-MJTPy8Q7MyGM5mO0b_O" : {
    "comment" : "7.3 C",
    "deadline" : "16/11/2020",
    "firstDeadline" : "12/10/2020",
    "interval" : 7,
    "owner" : "Mika",
    "parentTaskID" : "-MJTPy8PdX4DmWWC_DfE",
    "subtask" : true,
    "title" : "Temp"
"-MJTPy8Q7MyGM5mO0b_O" : {
    "comment" : "7.3 C",
    "deadline" : "16/11/2020",
    "firstDeadline" : "12/10/2020",
    "interval" : 7,
    "owner" : "Mika",
    "parentTaskID" : "-MJTPy8PdX4DmWWC_DfE",
    "subtask" : true,
    "title" : "Temp"
        "-MLHTx_ZK4n5dhkBb8TE" : {
    "comment" : "Dirty ",
    "deadline" : "04/12/2020",
    "owner" : "Mika",
    "repetition" : false,
    "title" : "Clean "
  "-MLHTHmzx8J7Ifh0Mecx" : {
    "comment" : "Finally ",
    "deadline" : "4/11/2020",
    "owner" : "Mika",
    "repetition" : false,
    "title" : "Clean "

and this is how I got the data from the firebase I just iterate them and store array list then I want that item list not to be just a list of items but grouped and have a chunk of the items array list

 ValueEventListener valueEventListener = new ValueEventListener() {
            public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot snapshot) {
                for (DataSnapshot singleSnapshot : snapshot.getChildren()) {
                    Task task = singleSnapshot.getValue(Task.class);

            public void onCancelled(@NonNull DatabaseError error) {


The data structure you want to use is a Map, specifically a HashMap.

I assumed your Task class has a getter getDeadline for the deadline date and it is a String. If you are using one of the many Java inbuilt Date features, modify the class accordingly.

Map<String,List<Task>> groupedTasks=new HashMap<>();
public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot snapshot) {
        for (DataSnapshot singleSnapshot : snapshot.getChildren()) {
            Task task = singleSnapshot.getValue(Task.class);
                groupedTasks.put(task.getDeadline(),new ArrayList<Task>());

You can later access them using the get method of the Map. For example groupedData.get("16/11/2020") will return a List<Task> containing the Tasks of that deadline.

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