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Check from Python script Raspberry´s power status

Is there an equivalent to the yellow lightning on screen, or the red PWR LED blinking, that can be used from a Python script to know if there are power issues with a Raspberry?


With help from @MarkSetchell (thanks!), this works. I´ve tested it on a RPI 3B+ with some power supply issues:

import subprocess

pt = subprocess.Popen(['/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd', 'get_throttled'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(res,err) = pt.communicate()
res = res.decode().split("=")[1]
res = res.rstrip("\n")
print ("Current Power Issues?    = ",(int(res,0) & 0x01) == 0x01)
print ("Any Power issues before? = ",(int(res,0) & 0x50000) == 0x50000)

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