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Cannot find a differ supporting object '[object Object]' of type 'object'. NgFor only supports binding to Iterables such as Array. json data

JSON data

    assets:[[tool_order_id: "38",order_status_id: "10"]],
    order_info:[id: "1", order_type: "6",check: "1", current_Stage_id: "29"]
  assets:[tool_order_id: "1",order_status_id: "10"],
    order_info:[id: "2", order_type: "3",check: "1", current_Stage_id: "29"]
    assets:[[tool_order_id: "8",order_status_id: "10"]],
    order_info:[id: "3", order_type: "3",check: "1", current_Stage_id: "29"]
  assets:[tool_order_id: "3",order_status_id: "10"],
    order_info:[id: "4", order_type: "3",check: "1", current_Stage_id: "29"]

if I iterate this I am getting error. Cannot find a differ supporting object '[object Object]' of type 'object'. NgFor only supports binding to Iterables such as Arrays.the below is html

 <div *ngIf="orders['assets'].length != 0">
 <ion-row *ngFor="let tool of orders['assets']">
 <ion-col col-4>{{ tool.tool_order_id }}</ion-col>
 <ion-col col-4>{{ tool.order_status_id }}</ion-col>
<div *ngIf="orders['assets'].length != 0">
 <ion-row *ngFor="let tool of orders['assets']['0']">
 <ion-col col-4>{{ tool.tool_order_id }}</ion-col>
 <ion-col col-4>{{ tool.order_status_id }}</ion-col>

and in data.ts file store the data in orders this.orders = this.data; console.log(this.orders); this.orders = this.data; console.log(this.orders); able to display the data in console.

You can do loop inside loop if it coming in console somehow

<div ngbDropdownMenu aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton2" *ngFor="let pChannel  of channels"> 
              <div *ngFor="let channel of pChannel">
              <a class="dropdown-item" (click)="getVouchersByChannelId(channel.channelId)">  
                  {{ channel.channelName }}             

Try something like this

<ion-row *ngFor="let t of data">
<ion-row *ngFor="let tool of t.orders['assets']">
  1. The data is not in properly formatted. [ ] denotes an array. Inside an array you can't have key value pairs directly, [tool_order_id: "38",order_status_id: "10"] . It should be an object {tool_order_id: "38",order_status_id: "10"} . First make sure your data is properly formatted.

  2. Please get rid of inconsistencies in the data like assets in line 1 is an array of arrays and in line 2 it is an array.

    assets:[[tool_order_id: "38",order_status_id: "10"]],

    assets:[tool_order_id: "1",order_status_id: "10"],

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