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ExecutorService - fill up progress bar in JavaFX with the number of finished tasks

I have a code which sends files concurrently via ExecutorService. However, I want to have a progress bar in JavaFX, which would fill up with the number of files sent.

How would I achieve so?

I'm creating tasks via List<Callable<String>> clientTasks = new ArrayList<>();, and lauching them via es.invokeAll(clientTasks);


You can do something along the following lines:

IntegerProperty completed = new SimpleIntegerProperty(0);
List<Callable<String>> wrappedTasks = new ArrayList<>();
for (Callable<String> task : clientTasks) {
    wrappedTasks.add(() -> {
        String result = task.call();
        Platform.runLater(() -> completed.set(completed.get()+1));
        return result ;
completed.addListener((obs, oldValue, newValue) -> 
    progressBar.setProgress(1.0 * newValue.intValue() / clientTasks.size()));

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