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greatest common divisor (python)

I'm trying to get my code to print out my greatest common devisor. Technically my code should work, but it always goes one step firther until x = 0 even though it should print x = gcd Everything you see in the code kind of has to stay as it is structure base, due to the assignement of my school. Meaning I have to print out x and have a while loop with r != 0 and so on... Whatever you most likely know how to fix it without me overexplaining my code xD

def ggt2(x, y):
    r = 1
    while r != 0:       #I have to use a while loop
        if x < y:
            r = x % y
            x = y
            y = r
            print(x)    #here it prints nothing at all
        elif x > y:
            r = x % y
            y = x
            x = r
            print(x)    #here it prints x = 0
x = input()
y = input()
ggt2(int(x), int(y))

EDIT: Here is the pseudo code we were given. This is basically the structure I have to follow. We were also told to switch x <-> y if x < y.

GCD :var X,Y,R: int;
input X,Y;
while R ≠ 0 do
R:=X mod Y; X:=Y; Y:=R;
output X.

The pseudocode you have given is called Euclidean algo. It is division based and the order of x and y does not matter.

def ggt2(a, b):
    while b != 0:
        t = b
        b = a % b
        a = t
    return a

ggt2(24, 60)
ggt2(60, 24)



The order matters for subtraction based algo and thats why you are asked to switch x,y if x < y

Read wiki to understand the both the algos.

def ggt2(a, b):
    while b != 0:
        t = b
        b = a % b
        a = t
    return a if a != 0 else None

a = int(input("Enter a: "))
b = int(input("Enter b: "))
print("Their GCD is: "+str(ggt2(a,b)))

This code was converted to Python from the pseudocode on Wikipedia , with minor changes made.

There are some things wrong with your code. Here is your give pseudocode:

GCD :var X,Y,R: int;
input X,Y;
while R ≠ 0 do
R:=X mod Y; X:=Y; Y:=R;
output X.

What this says is:

  1. Start GCD
  2. create variables X , Y , and R of type int each
  3. Input a value to X and Y
  4. Set R to 1
  5. While R is not equal to 0 do:
  6. (in loop of 5) set R to X % Y (the remainder of X and Y )
  7. (in loop of 5) set X to Y
  8. (in loop of 5) set Y to R
  9. End of loop started on statement 5 iteration
  10. Print out X

This pseudocode converted to Python would be:

def GCD():
    X = int(input("Enter X: "))
    Y = int(input("Enter Y: "))
    R = 1
    while R != 0:
        R = X % Y
        X = Y
        Y = R


Try to figure out how this works, and tell me in the comments if it worked for you!

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