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C# Sql Raw Query to Entity Framework query

I have a group data in my database like that:

Code   ModificationDate
 A     2020/01/02
 A     2020/01/01
 B     2020/01/03
 B     2020/01/01
 C     2020/01/04
 C     2020/01/01

And I want to get the value with the most recent ModificationDate from each group of codes.

I tried some linq queries, but I always get the same error

Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to 'AsEnumerable'

To workaround it, I wrote this code:

var query = _context.Customers.FromSqlRaw(@"
            SELECT t.* FROM(
                  SELECT[Code], MAX([ModificationDate]) as [ModificationDate]
                  GROUP BY[Code]
            ) c
            INNER JOIN[Customers] t
            ON t.[Code] = c.[Code] AND t.[ModificationDate] = c.[ModificationDate]");

It works fine, but I want to translate it to a linq query that doesn't trigger the mentioned error.

I don't want to use AsEnumerable or ToList because I have a lot of data and load it into memory is going to be slow.

This exception occurs frequently with GroupBy in EF core 3/5. In your case there is way to make EF happy by following this query pattern (based on the Chinook sample database, not knowing your class model):

from c in Customers
from i in c.Invoices.OrderByDescending(i => i.InvoiceDate).Take(1)
select new 

This is even the preferred query pattern, even failing sufficient GroupBy support, because (at least in Sql Server, maybe other providers too), EF translates Take into the efficient ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY ...) construct in SQL. The LINQ query above is translated to this SQL statement in EF-core 3.1.10:

SELECT [c].[LastName], [t0].[BillingAddress]
FROM [Customer] AS [c]
    SELECT [t].[InvoiceId], [t].[BillingAddress], [t].[BillingCity], [t].[BillingCountry], [t].[BillingPostalCode], [t].[BillingState], [t].[CustomerId], [t].[InvoiceDate], [t].[Total]
    FROM (
        SELECT [i].[InvoiceId], [i].[BillingAddress], [i].[BillingCity], [i].[BillingCountry], [i].[BillingPostalCode], [i].[BillingState], [i].[CustomerId], [i].[InvoiceDate], [i].[Total]
    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY [i].[CustomerId] ORDER BY [i].[InvoiceDate] DESC) AS [row]
        FROM [Invoice] AS [i]
    ) AS [t]
    WHERE [t].[row] <= 1
) AS [t0] ON [c].[CustomerId] = [t0].[CustomerId]

It's a bit disappointing, though, that EF doesn't reduce the fields in the subquery according to the properties requested in the LINQ query. That could be achieved by a query like this:

from c in Customers
from i in c.Invoices.OrderByDescending(i => i.InvoiceDate)
    .Select(i => new { i.BillingAddress, i.BillingCity })
select new 

...unfortunately causing some code repetition.

Finally i'm using this:

IQueryable<Customer> query =
           from c in _context.Customers.GroupBy(a => a.Code).Select(a => a.Max(a => a.ModificationDate))
           from s in _context.Customers
           where c == s.ModificationDate
           select s;

This works fine

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