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Is it possible to add a conditional statement in snakemake's rule all?

I want to run multiple snakefiles called qc.smk , dada2.smk , picrust2.smk using singularity. Then there is one snakefile called longitudinal.smk I would like to run conditionally. For example, if longitudinal data is being used.

# set vars

LONGITUDINAL = config['perform_longitudinal']

rule all:
    # fastqc output before trimming
    raw_html = expand("{scratch}/fastqc/{sample}_{num}_fastqc.html", scratch = SCRATCH, sample=SAMPLE_SET, num=SET_NUMS),
    raw_zip = expand("{scratch}/fastqc/{sample}_{num}_fastqc.zip", scratch = SCRATCH, sample=SAMPLE_SET, num=SET_NUMS),
    raw_multi_html = SCRATCH + "/fastqc/raw_multiqc.html",
    raw_multi_stats = SCRATCH + "/fastqc/raw_multiqc_general_stats.txt"

# there are many more files in rule all

##### setup singularity #####

singularity: "docker://continuumio/miniconda3"

##### load rules #####

include: "rules/qc.smk"
include: "rules/dada2.smk"
include: "rules/phylogeny.smk"
include: "rules/picrust2.smk"

if LONGITUDINAL == 'yes':
    include: 'rules/longitudinal.smk'
    print("Will perform a longitudinal analysis")
    print("no longitudinal analysis")

The code above works only if I am running a longitudinal dataset. However, when I am not running the longitudinal analysis snakemake fails and says something like:

MissingInputException in line 70 of /mnt/c/Users/noahs/projects/tagseq-qiime2-snakemake-1/Snakefile:
Missing input files for rule all:

I think if I was able to add a similar conditional statement like the one I have for my external snakefile snakemake would not freak out about me not including the longitudinal snakefile.

You can define a list (or dict) of what you want as output outside of the rule all , and feed that to the input, something like this works:

myoutput = list()

if condition_1 == True:
if condition_2 == True:

rule all:


Either place myoutput as first in the input of rule all:

rule all:
        raw_html = "raw_html_path",
        raw_zip = "raw_zip_path"

or make it named, and place it wherever:

rule all:
        raw_html = "raw_html_path",
        myoutput = myoutput,
        raw_zip = "raw_zip_path"

In Python (and snakemake) named positional arguments always go before named arguments.

Solution for merging list form expand statement:

I used a configuration file to pass the statements to the Snakefile

## Config.yml ##
# longitudinal analysis
perform_longitudinal: 'yes' # yes for longitudinal analysis 

When 'yes' is entered in the configuration Snakemake will include additional variables in rule all and run an addition Snakefile to generate these files. There ended up being multiple Snakefiles so I used singularity to let Snakemake know that the rule all input files were for all 6 Snakefiles.

## Snakefile ##

configfile: "config.yaml"

LONGITUDINAL = config['perform_longitudinal']

 # rule all input files

# rule all files excluding longitudinal analysis

#longitudinal analysis files

if LONGITUDINAL == 'yes':


# conditionally add Snakefile to workflow
    include: 'rules/longitudinal.smk'

    print("Will perform a longitudinal analysis")

    print("no longitudinal analysis")

rule all:
        data = rule_all_input_list

##### setup singularity #####

# this container defines the underlying OS for each job when using the workflow
# with --use-conda --use-singularity
singularity: "docker://continuumio/miniconda3"

##### load rules #####

include: "rules/qc.smk"
include: "rules/dada2.smk"
include: "rules/phylogeny.smk"
include: "rules/picrust2.smk"
include: "rules/differential.smk"

I have a less simplified version of how I got this working on GitHub https://github.com/nasiegel88/tagseq-qiime2-snakemake-1

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