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(BST) Error: No matching overloaded function found

I just started learning Binary Search Trees. I have been trying to fix a couple of errors since yesterday. I looked at the reference links but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

The example below was copied from one of the slideshows provided to us by the lecturer but when I run it, I get the following errors:

C2672 : 'Insert': no matching overloaded function found

C2784 : 'void Insert(TreeNode *&,ItemType)': could not deduce template argument for 'TreeNode *&' from 'ItemType *'

Any help would be appreciated.


#pragma once
using namespace std;

template<class ItemType>
struct TreeNode
    ItemType info;
    ItemType* left;
    ItemType* right;

template<class ItemType>
class TreeType

    void InsertItem(ItemType item);

    TreeNode<ItemType>* root;

template<class ItemType>                 
void Insert(TreeNode<ItemType>*& tree, ItemType item) // helper function
    if (tree == NULL)
    { // insertion place found
        tree = new TreeNode<ItemType>;
        tree->right = NULL;
        tree->left = NULL;
        tree->info = item;
    else if (item < tree->info)
        Insert(tree->left, item); // insert in left subtree
        Insert(tree->right, item); // insert in right subtree
template<class ItemType>                 
void TreeType<ItemType>::InsertItem(ItemType item) // member function
    Insert(root, item);


#include <iostream>
#include "BinaryTree.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
    TreeType<int> MyTree;


template<class ItemType>
struct TreeNode
    ItemType info;
    ItemType* left;
    ItemType* right;

left and right are pointers to the data being stored in the TreeNode , not pointers to TreeNode s.

Instead use

template<class ItemType>
struct TreeNode
    ItemType info;
    TreeNode* left;
    TreeNode* right;

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