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Extract nested JSON as string

I have a JSON object which I am successfully able to convert to a Go struct. However, I have a requirement where I need to parse the nested object in that JSON as a string and I am unable to do it.

Here is the code that works.

The Simple JSON that WORKS

    "timestamp": "1232159332",
    "duration": 0.5,

It converts to the following struct

type Beat struct {
    Timestamp   string      `json:"timestamp"`
    Duration    float32     `json:"duration"`

func AddBeat(w http.ResponseWriter,  r *http.Request) {
    // Step 1 Get JSON parameters:
    b := Beat {}

    decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
    err := decoder.Decode(&b)

    fmt.Println("Beat: ", b)

In the following JSON the nested data object is populated dynamically and its structure can vary. That's why I need to extract it as string and store it in the Database, but Go won't extract it as a string. This Doesn't Work

    "timestamp": "1232159332",
    "duration": 0.5,
    "data": {
       "key1": "val1",
       "key2": "val2"

Go Code (Doesn't Work)

type Beat struct {
    Timestamp   string      `json:"timestamp"`
    Duration    float32     `json:"duration"`
    Data        string      `json:"data"`

func AddBeat(w http.ResponseWriter,  r *http.Request) {
    // Step 1 Get JSON parameters:
    b := Beat {}

    decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
    err := decoder.Decode(&b)

    fmt.Println("Beat: ", b)

This is the error I get

2020/11/25 10:45:24 http: panic serving [::1]:50082: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field Beat.data of type string

Now, the question is how can I extract and decode a nested object in this case data as a string in Go?

You probably need to use json.RawMessage :

type Beat struct {
    Timestamp   string      `json:"timestamp"`
    Duration    float32     `json:"duration"`
    Data        json.RawMessage      `json:"data"`

data := []byte(`{
    "timestamp": "1232159332",
    "duration": 0.5,
    "data": {
       "key1": "val1",
       "key2": "val2"
b := Beat{}
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &b)
if err != nil {


Or implementing the Unmarshaller interface:


type Beat struct {
    Timestamp   string      `json:"timestamp"`
    Duration    float32     `json:"duration"`
    Data        string      `json:"data"`

func (b *Beat) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    type beat struct {
        Timestamp   string          `json:"timestamp"`
        Duration    float32         `json:"duration"`
        Data        json.RawMessage `json:"data"`
    bb := &beat{}
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, bb)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    b.Timestamp = bb.Timestamp
    b.Duration = bb.Duration
    b.Data = string(bb.Data)
    return nil

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