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I have 2 dimensional array and I want to returns true if there are 3 (or more) elements next to each other in one row,

My problem is the if statement doesn't work and I don't know how to solve this question when I run the code always gives me a row score that's mean that there are three elements or more that are the same however this is not correct. extra details hereunder about the question

I have 2-dimensional array and I want to return true if there are 3 (or more) elements next to each other in one row, this is the question: the method returns true if there are 3 (or more) symbols next to each other in one row, otherwise it returns false. To determine '3 in a row' check all rows (one by one), and in each row remember the 'current candy' and set a counter to 1. If the next candy is the same (as the previous one) then increase the counter, otherwise reset the counter to 1 and set the 'current candy' again. If the counter becomes 3 then you can return true. → Check if there are (>=) 3 symbols adjacent in one row.

This is my Method

how can I improve it?

bool ScoreRowPresent(RegularCandies[,] playingField)

            for (int i = 0; i < playingField.GetLength(0); i++)
                int counter = 1;
                RegularCandies candies = RegularCandies.JellyBean;

                for (int x = 1; x < playingField.GetLength(1); x++)
                    if (candies==playingField[i,0])

                        counter = 1;
                        candies = playingField[i, x];
                    if (counter >= 3)
                        return true;



            return false;

Try with this:

bool ScoreRowPresent(RegularCandies[,] playingField)
    for (var row = 0; row < playingField.GetLength(0); row++)
        var candyToCount = playingField[row, 0];

        var counter = 1;

        for (var column = 1; column < playingField.GetLength(1); column++)
            if (playingField[row, column] == candyToCount)
                counter = 1;
                candyToCount = playingField[row, column];

            if (counter >= 3)
                return true;

    return false;

Please let me know if this works.

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