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jq: retrieve values from multiple entries

(I have searched, but found nothing.)

I have a (huge) json file I got from Jira, and I want to get from it several values from different entries, using curl via linux.

For example:

   "expand": "names, schema",

And I want to get the key (ABCD-12345) and the updated (2020-12-03T13:16:17.000+0200).

Each command works separately, but I can't figure out how to combine them.

My commands:

curl -s -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" "<link to my jira with search parameters" -u "<user>:<password>" | jq '.issues[].key' | tr -d '"'

returns ABCD-12345

curl -s -g -H "Content-Type: application/json" "<link to my jira with search parameters" -u "<user>:<password>" | jq  '.issues[].fields | "\(.updated)"' | tr -d '"'

returns 2020-12-06T10:08:06.000+0200

I have tried several combinations, like: jq '.issues[].fields | "(.updated)"' | jq '.issues[].key' jq '.issues[].fields | "(.updated)", .issues[].key'

But they didn't work.

Any ideas? Thanks!

This should achieve what you wanted:

jq -r '.issues[] | .key+" "+.fields.updated'

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