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jq parse for multiple values

I'm trying to output displayName from JSON which has both

"source": "" and
tcpOptions": "destinationPortRange": "min": 80

The result should display only


eg: JSON

    "displayName": "rule-1",
    "secrule": [
        "source": "",
        "tcpOptions": {
          "destinationPortRange": {
            "min": 80,
            "max": 80
        "source": "",
        "tcpOptions": {
          "destinationPortRange": {
            "min": 443,
            "max": 443
    "displayName": "rule-2",
    "secrule": [
        "source": "",
        "tcpOptions": {
          "destinationPortRange": {
            "min": 443,
            "max": 443
        "source": "",
        "tcpOptions": {
          "destinationPortRange": {
            "min": 80,
            "max": 80

I have tried

jq -r '.[] | select(.secrule[].source == "" and .secrule[].tcpOptions.destinationPortRange.min == 80) | .displayName' JSON | sort -u

But it displays both rules (which is incorrect)


You're expanding .secrule twice, thus every combination of its elements get checked. Use any instead:

.[] | select(any(.secrule[]; .source=="" and .tcpOptions.destinationPortRange.min==80)).displayName

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