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Pivoting Data in PostgresSQL

I have a table as

Start Date sequence No Count Emp_id
old 0 1 1
2020-12-07 1 15 1
More 2 4 1
Total 3 20 1
old 0 15 2
2020-12-07 1 20 2
More 2 5 2
Total 3 40 2

I require output as

Emp_id Old 2020-12-07 More Total
1 1 15 4 20
2 15 20 5 40

Can someone please give me some idea or point in a direction on how can i achieve the desired output?

For a fixed list of values, you can use conditional aggregation:

select emp_id
    max(count) filter(where start_date = 'old'       ) as val_old,
    max(count) filter(where start_date = '2020-12-07') as val_2020_12_07,
    max(count) filter(where start_date = 'More'      ) as val_more,
    max(count) filter(where start_date = 'Total'     ) as val_total
from mytable
group by emp_id

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