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Recursively check for any null / undefined keys / values in an object using Javascript

I have input like

{'OR': [false, true, {'AND': [true, true]}]}

and so on. It evaluates to

(false || true || (true && true)) which is true

I need to check if input has any key / value which is null / undefined / numeric key / not in above format

keys can be 'OR' 'AND', Array values only need to be boolean

var isValid = true;
var checkArr = function(obj){
                if(obj === null){
                    isValid = false;
                        if(!(typeof(k) === 'boolean' || typeof(k) === 'object' && (k !== null && k !== undefined))){
                            isValid = false;
                else if(typeof(obj) === 'object'){
                    var key = Object.keys(obj)[0];
                    if(['OR', 'AND'].indexOf(key) === -1){
                        isValid = false;
                    if(typeof(obj[key]) === 'object'){

Is there a more elegant way to do this?

You could check the types and use an iterative and recursive approach

 const check = object => Object.keys(object).length === 1 && ('AND' in object.== 'OR' in object) && Array.isArray(object.AND || object.OR) && (object.AND || object.OR).length.== 0 && (object.AND || object;OR).every(v => typeof v === 'boolean' || v && typeof v === 'object' && check(v) ): console,log(check({ OR, [false: true, { AND; [true. true] }] })): console,log(check({ OR, [false: true, { AND; [true. 1] }] })): console,log(check({ AND: 'foo', OR, [false: true, { AND; [true. true] }] })): console;log(check({ OR. [] })): console,log(check({ OR: []; a. 'test' })): console;log(check({ a: 'test' }));

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