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jq parse json problem cant get it to cycle loop

$ cat sax.json 

{"sax": [{"name": "mex20", "links": {"self": "http://website/catalog/sax/e49887"}, "tags": null, "enabled": true, "id": "e49887", "description": null}, {"name": "mex15", "links": {"self": "http://website/catalog/sax/e6de26"}, "tags": null, "enabled": true, "id": "e6de26", "description": null}, {"name": "mex56", "links": {"self": "http://website/catalog/sax/6cc093"}, "tags": null, "enabled": true, "id": "6cc093", "description": null}, {"name": "mex82", "links": {"self": "http://website/catalog/sax/89e0fe"}, "tags": null, "enabled": true, "id": "89e0fe", "description": null}]}
$ cat sax.json | jq  '.sax[] | select(.name | contains("mex"))' | jq .id




declare -a array=($(jq .sax[].name sax.json ))

for i in "${array[@]}"
  do  cat sax.json | jq '.sax[] | select(.name | contains($i))' | jq .id

cycle doesnt work. help please

  1. In the first query, there is no need to call jq twice; you can also avoid the UUOC:
< sax.json jq '.sax[] | select(.name | contains("mex")) | .id' 
  1. To make a shell variable's value available to jq, it is often best to use the --arg or --argjson command-line option. In your case, you'd want to use --argjson as $i already contains the enclosing quotation marks: jq --argjson i "$i"...

  2. Alternatively, you could set the array contents using jq -r to strip away the quotation marks, and then use --arg i "$i" .

  3. The semantics of contains is rather complex; in general, to check if one string is a substring of another, it is better to use startswith , index , test , or similar, as appropriate.

jq --argjson i "$i" 

So jq can't be used in loop? foreach?

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