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Loop through json using jq to get multiple value

Here is volumes.json :

"Volumes": [
        "AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1a",
        "Tags": [
                "Value": "vol-rescue-system",
                "Key": "Name"
        "VolumeId": "vol-00112233",
        "AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1a",
        "Tags": [
                "Value": "vol-rescue-swap",
                "Key": "Name"
        "VolumeId": "vol-00112234",
        "AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1a",
        "Tags": [
                "Value": "vol-rescue-storage",
                "Key": "Name"
        "VolumeId": "vol-00112235",

I need to get both the value of VolumeId and Tags.Value to be used as the input to invoke another command. It is easy to get a single value from the json array, but I am not able to extract multiple value from it and pass it to another bash command.

I can get a single value using this:

cat volumes.json |jq -r '.Volumes[].VolumeId' |while read v; do another_bash_command $v; done

but I am not able to get multiple value cause this is wrong:

 cat volumes.json |jq -r '.Volumes[].VolumeId, .Volumes[].Tags[].Value' |while read v w; do another_bash_command $v $w; done

as it will then loop 6 times of the outcome instead of 3.

And , how do I pass those multiple json value in the loop to a bash array so I can use the value in a better way ? Like VolumeId-> $arr[0][0] , Tags.Value-> $arr[0][1] , AvailabilityZone-> $arr[0][2] ...etc. I have searched through SO and the jq docs, and tried readarray , but still not able to find out the solution :( Thanks for any help given.

It seems to me that you want to output the two values ( VolumeId and Tags[].Value ) on the same line?

If that's the case, then a simple string concatenation should be enough:

$ jq -r '.Volumes[] | .VolumeId + " " + .Tags[].Value' volumes.json
vol-00112233 vol-rescue-system
vol-00112234 vol-rescue-swap
vol-00112235 vol-rescue-storage

The above can then be used in a pipeline with while-read :

$ cat my_script
jq -r '.Volumes[] | .VolumeId + " " + .Tags[].Value' volumes.json \
| while IFS= read -r volumeId tagValue; do
  other_command "$volumeId" "$tagValue"

You should note that if there is more than one element in Tags the result will reflect that. This can however be avoided by referring the first element in Tags : .Tags[0].Value

As @andlrc observed, you may need to decide what you really want in the event that any Tags array has more or less than one element. Assuming you want Tags[0] in all cases, I would recommend considering the use of @tsv as follows:

jq -r '.Volumes[] | [.VolumeId, .Tags[0].Value] | @tsv' volumes.json

This would be especially appropriate if any of the .VolumeId or .Tags[0].Value values contained spaces, tabs, newlines, etc. The point is that @tsv will handle these in a standard way, so that handling the pair of values can be done in a standard way as well. Eg using awk, you could read in the pair with awk -F\\\\t ; using bash, IFS=$'\\t' , etc.

我知道问题是如何使用jq获取信息,但也可以使用--query标志直接从aws cli获取预期参数。

aws ec2 describe-volumes --query "Volumes[].[VolumeId, Tags[].Value]" --output text

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