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Deserialization with System.Text.Json in .NET Core 3.1 results in null property values

I have the following json:


I am writing a simple console app .NET Core 3.1. I have tried both the JSON.NET as well as the new MSFT System.Text.Json deserializer. But I get only null values for all of the properties with the following Model object.

public class GameConfig
    public TeamConstraint TeamConstraint { get; set; }
    public List<string> Players { get; set; }
    public Dictionary<string, double> Ranks { get; set; }

public class TeamConstraint
    public List<string> OppositeTeamPlayers { get; set; }

    public List<string> SameTeamPlayers { get; set; }

I have tried several additional options like using a contract resolver with CamelCase properties and changing the code and json accordingly but nothing has worked so far. What am I missing?

This is the code I am using to deserialize.

var jsonString = File.ReadAllText(TeamGeneratorStandardSettings.Default.GameConfigFile);
var gameConfig = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<GameConfig>(jsonString);

You are trying to deserialize into GameConfig , whereas that is simply a top-level property of your overall json object structure. You need a new top-level type to deserialize into that contains your GameConfig object.

public class GameData
    public GameConfig GameConfig { get; set; } 

var jsonString = File.ReadAllText(TeamGeneratorStandardSettings.Default.GameConfigFile);
var gameConfig = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<GameData>(jsonString);

Alternatively, you could remove the wrapping object from your json and still deserialize directly to a GameConfig object:

var jsonString = File.ReadAllText(TeamGeneratorStandardSettings.Default.GameConfigFile);
var gameConfig = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<GameConfig>(jsonString);

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