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fish: Unknown command: pip

today I am trying Garuda KDE Dr460nized and I am running python on it. But when I use pip for installing packages I open my Konsole and, an error comes like this

fish: Unknown command: pip

I thought I should write pip3 instead of pip but still, the same error comes

fish: Unknown command: pip3

Can anyone please tell me how to solve this issue in Garuda Linux. It is an Arch-based on Linux. Please tell me what is the solution. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance

I think I have answered my question I have to add:

python -m pip install packageName

It solved my error. If anyone can't solve their error you can see this answer.

You can install pip using a package called yaourt. Follow the link below on now to get started with yaourt.

install yaourt

after successful installation run

yaourt pip3

it worked for me.

It looks like python-pip is not installed on your machine. Please use the below command to install the python-pip .

I also faced the same issue. Not it's solved by this.

sudo pacman -S python2-pip               #Python 2
sudo pacman -S python-pip                #Python 3

verify your installation

pip help

Don't install python modules with pip , use pacman instead.

Sudo pacman -Syu python-numpy for instance.

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