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How to use implode with PDO

I'm trying to combine a search bar with checkboxes for a query in PDO.

The current code is like this:

$keywordfromform = $_GET["keyword"];
$keyword = "%$keywordfromform%";

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM table
        WHERE column1 LIKE ?
           OR column2 LIKE ?
           OR column3 LIKE ?
           ORDER BY column3 ASC';

$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$stmt->execute(array($keyword, $keyword, $keyword);
$entries = $stmt->fetchAll();
$count = count($entries);

With the same logic, I tried to apply implode and the in-clause as follows (according to this site ):

//search bar
$keywordfromform = $_GET["keyword"];
$keyword = "%$keywordfromform%";

$column1 = $_GET['checkboxes_column1'];
$implode_column1 = implode(', ', $column1);
$in str_repeat('?,', count($implode_column1) - 1) . '?';

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM table
        WHERE column1 LIKE ?
           OR column2 LIKE ?
           OR column3 LIKE ?
          AND column1 IN ($in)
        ORDER BY column3 ASC';
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$params = array_merge([$keyword], [$keyword], [$keyword], $implode_column1);
$entries = $stmt->fetchAll();
$count = count($entries);

The search bar and checkboxes are standard ones from bootstrap, nothing special.

Maybe someone could kindly point out what I'm doing wrong?


  1. $sql uses single quotes not double; therefore $in is literal

  2. count($implode_column1) isn't countable; it's a string

  3. $in str_repeat(...) - as per the comments - needs an assignment operator

  4. array_merge(...) doesn't work; $implode_column1 is a string

  5. Assumption you need parenthesis to specify order of operation assuming that the ORs should be grouped together:

     (a =... OR b =... OR c =...) AND a IN (...)

Incoming data

Assuming that your incoming data is in the format:

$_GET['keyword']            = "html";
$_GET['checkboxes_column1'] = [
                                0 => "php",
                                1 => "css",
                                2 => "js",
                                3 => "html"

Updated code

$keyword = $_GET['keyword']            ?? NULL;
$column1 = $_GET['checkboxes_column1'] ?? NULL;

// Check that the expected data was received
if(!$column1 || !$keyword || !is_array($column1)){
    echo "Error: Nothing submitted";

$keyword      = "%{$keyword}%";
$placeholders = implode(", ", array_fill(0, count($column1), "?"));    // Prepare placeholder string
$parameters   = array_merge([$keyword, $keyword, $keyword], $column1); // Prepare array for variables to bind

$sql    = "
    SELECT * FROM table
    WHERE (
            column1 LIKE ?
        OR  column2 LIKE ?
        OR  column3 LIKE ?
      ) AND column1 IN   ({$placeholders})
    ORDER BY column3 ASC

$query  = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$result = $query->fetchAll();
$count  = count($result);

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