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Getting Input From Generated EditText Android Kotlin

I'm making a random word generator and I'm having problems getting the input from the generated editText in Kotlin. I have found a few solutions in java and I can see how they work but I'm having trouble putting it into Kotlin.

I've set it up the so the EditTexts are generated by a while loop and the Id is stored in an array call "arraylist". I then wanted to use the Id in the array to obtain the "text" from each editText and put them into the "Strings" variable. I think in java you'd use "string[i]" so the variable becomes string1, string2 etc. I can't get this to work. I've tried printing the array and its blank so I don't think I'm getting the id correctly.

There are a few logic issues with code such as there already being an input that I'm using for formatting and arrays starting at 0 and such that I'll sort out later.

Thanks Jake

class WordList : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    //Get Linear layout as variable
    val linearLayout = findViewById(R.id.InfoLayout) as LinearLayout
    val Test = findViewById(R.id.WordsInput) as EditText
    val RandomiseButton = findViewById<Button>(R.id.RandomiseInputs) as Button
    var Value = "Hello" as String
    var editText = EditText (this)
    var List = arrayListOf<String>()
    var arraylist = ArrayList<Int>()
    val strings = ArrayList<String>()

    //Get Inputs from Previous page
    var Choice = intent.getIntExtra("Amount", 0)
    /*To Do
    Get Inputs From Created Inputs
    Print output
    //Add new input
    if (Choice >= 2) {
        //Create Var for Edit
        var Number = 2

        //While loop to create multiple EditText fields
        while (Number <= Choice) {
            editText = EditText (this)
            editText.hint = "Input " + Number
            //Use Appearance To change things you can't set using style.xml
            //Set Edit



    RandomiseButton.setOnClickListener {

        var Random = (0..Choice).random()

        var i = 0
        while (i <= arraylist.size) {

        var OutputW = strings.get(Random).toString()

            //Value = editText.text.toString()

        var intent = Intent (this@WordList,WordsOutput::class.java)




So I just worked it out

RandomiseButton.setOnClickListener {

        var Random = (0..Choice).random()

        var OutputW = linearLayout.getChildAt(Random) as EditText
        var another = OutputW.text.toString()

        var intent = Intent (this@WordList,WordsOutput::class.java)



I used the getChildAt to just randomly select a field. more info here https://www.i-programmer.info/programming/android/11415-android-programming-in-kotlin-layouts-and-autonaming-components.html?start=1

Only took me 3 days hahaha

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