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Is it possible to select all columns in SQL but only selecting for every third row?

I want to select all columns, but each row is going to be selected for every X row.

For example, if I want to select all rows write like this:

@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM data WHERE job_name = :jobName ORDER BY date_time ASC LIMIT :selectedLimit OFFSET :selectedOffset" , nativeQuery = true)
List<Data> findByJobNameOrderByDateTimeAscLimit(@Param("jobName") String jobName, @Param("selectedOffset") long selectedOffset, @Param("selectedLimit") long selectedLimit);

But I want to extand this with something "For every X row" or something like that. Is that possible?

Approach with java code filter will select all data and filter it, which is not very efficient.

If you want to achieve that using SQL - query will depend on dialect you are using.

For example in Oracle - ROWNUM can be used, eg:

select *
  from (select ROWNUM as rn, t.*
        from Table t)
WHERE MOD(rn, 3) = 0 

In code above - "3" is "X" from your question, meaning that "every 3rd row will be selected"

If you do not need "RN" in your results - use Select t.* in upper level query.

If your DB dialect does not support ROWNUM - you can add it yourself with wrapper query, following question should give you an idea how to do it: When i am using it with db2 for pagination, my next page is giving error

You can add in your invoking code this stream for example:

    int count[] = new int[1];
    List<Data> collect = dataList.stream()
            .peek(s -> count[0]++)
            .filter(s -> count[0] % 3 != 0)

Where'3' it's your "selectedLimit"

Also, you can create a common utils method with this code and wrapped your findByJobNameOrderByDateTimeAscLimit in your services and getting and filtering List<Data> with help code from example.

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