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Regex - Match a Pattern Before a Character

I'm currently building a toy assembler in c# (going through The Elements Of Computing Systems book).

I need to match a very simple pattern, I thought this would be a good time to learn some regex but I'm struggling!

In the following examples I'd just like to match the letters before the '='







I've come up with the following:


However this also matches the '=' which I don't want.

I also tried:


But I still have the same problem - it a matches the '=' sign as well.

I'm using this site to test my regexes.

Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you in advance.



What you want is called a zero-width, lookahead assertion. You do:


In your case, this would be:


The following will group everything before the "=" and everything after.


it reads something like this:

match any amount of characters thats not a "=", followed by a "=", then any amount of characters thats not a "=".

You can also put the equals sign in a non-capturing parans with (?: ... )


It's been a bit since I did this chapter of the book but I think that since you need both parts of the expression anyway, I did a split on the = resulting in myArray[0] == M, myArray[1] == A

I needed to match every character before the '=' so I came up with this


Matches every character before '=' but not "="

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