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Convert spark's dataframe columns to json object

I have a dataframe with following data

|file_name  | key   |Value|
| file1     | key1  | 7   |
| file1     | key2  | 11  |
| file1     | key3  | 3   |
| file2     | key1  | 9   |
| file2     | key2  | 2   |
| file2     | key3  | 10  |

With following code I have solved one step of my problem

dataset.select(col("file_name"), to_json(struct(col("key").alias("key"),col("value").alias("value"))).alias("output"))

Which is giving me output like this -

|file_name  | output                                                                              |
| file1     |[{"key":"key1","value":"7"}, {"key":"key2","value":"11"}, {"key":"key3","value":"3"}]|
| file2     |[{"key":"key1","value":"9"}, {"key":"key2","value":"2"}, {"key":"key3","value":"10"}]|

But I want my final output in following json structure. Can you please suggest me any changes to get the output in following format (json object holding json array).

|file_name  | output                                                                                       |
| file1     |{"result":[{"key":"key1","value":"7"},{"key":"key2","value":"11"},{"key":"key3","value":"3"}]}|
| file2     |{"result":[{"key":"key1","value":"9"},{"key":"key2","value":"2"},{"key":"key3","value":"10"}]}|

Try adding another select statement: select(col("file_name"), to_json(struct(col("output").alias("result"))).alias("output"))

The code should be something like:

  dataset.select(col("file_name"), to_json(struct(col("key").alias("key"),col("value").alias("value"))).alias("output"))
       .select(col("file_name"), to_json(struct(col("output").alias("result"))).alias("output"))

You can put the result inside a struct before calling to_json . Note that you shouldn't call to_json twice because that will result in doubly escaped quotes.

            collect_list(struct("key", "value")).alias("result")

|file_name|output                                                                                        |
|file2    |{"result":[{"key":"key1","value":"9"},{"key":"key2","value":"2"},{"key":"key3","value":"10"}]}|
|file1    |{"result":[{"key":"key1","value":"7"},{"key":"key2","value":"11"},{"key":"key3","value":"3"}]}|

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