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Web app manifest does not meet the installability requirements

I try to make a progressive web app, but Lighthouse says, I don't have enough icons, here are the Problems by Lighhouse:

Web app manifest does not meet the installability requirementsFailures: Manifest does not have a PNG icon of at least 144px.
Is not configured for a custom splash screenFailures: Manifest does not have a PNG icon of at least 512px.

and there are two errors in the Fast and reliable "tab", but this shouldn't matter I think?

Here is my Manifest.json:

  "name": "PWA Test Tutorial",
  "short_name": "PWA",
  "start_url": ".",
  "background_color": "green",
  "theme_color": "red",
  "display": "standalone",
  "prefer_related_applications": "false",
  "icons": [
              "src": "testLOGO.png",
              "sizes": "512x512",
              "type": "images/png"
              "src": "192.png",
              "sizes": "192x192",
              "type": "images/png"
              "src": "512.png",
              "sizes": "512x512",
              "type": "images/png",
              "purpose": "maskable"


Where is my Problem? Do you need some more Information? Thanks for your Attention

The type of your icons should be image/png (without a "s")

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