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determine how a linux process was invoked

Is there a way in linux, to determine how a process was invoked? I know, that ps displays the startup parameters, but I'm interested how the process start was executed.

Was it a init.d script, a cron job or manual invocation via cli. Right now I am looking through all configs/commands manually, is there an easy way I am overlooking?

(I also know, that the presence of systemd etc. is distro related which helps to priorize a little bit.)

In most cases, for a process of pid 1234, you can get valuable information about it thru /proc/1234/ (see proc(5) for details)

See also credentials(7) and Advanced Linux Programming and Linux From Scratch

For exemple, try ps $$ then cat /proc/$$/status then cat /proc/$$/maps then cat /proc/$$/comm in your terminal (running probably the GNU bash shell, or zsh )

Consider writing your C program doing appropriate syscalls(2) (with perhaps opendir(3) and readdir(3) ...) to query that information from /proc/ ....

Remember to read errno(3) . A lot of functions (like open(2) , read(2) , getpwnam(3) ....) can fail.

Download, then study for inspiration the source code of the GNU bash shell (or even of the Linux kernel ), it is free software .

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