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How to do Upsert in Vlang

Currently, the ORM for V only supports select , update , and insert . I would like to do a more complicated upsert like this:

INSERT INTO Settings (Key, Value)
VALUES (?0, ?1)
SET Key = ?0,
    Value = ?1;`

But it looks like from the docs there is no exposure for doing an update like this. So, I would need to clean the inserted/updated values myself.

Is there a way to do direct SQL with variables directly? Am I missing something?

Another option I would have would be:

setting := Settings {
    key: key
    value: value
sql r.db {
    insert setting into Settings
sql r.db {
    update Settings set value = value where key == key

Although the above works it isn't very elegant and requires two calls to the DB. Is there a way to do direct queries with arguments?

The vlang Sqlite library (not the Orm) has a method that can execute raw SQL against the db and return raw row data.

You could create your upsert query using the information in this stackoverflow and execute it as a string against the DB.

Something like this maybe (you'll have to test it against your particular database until it works):

r.db.exec("UPDATE Settings SET value = 'value' WHERE id = 2;
INSERT INTO Settings(key, value) SELECT 2, 'value' WHERE changes() = 0;")

Do not use this in production . Unfortunately, the exec function does not santize inputs or pass in parameterized values. This means that you will be vulnerable to sql injection by default.

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