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How to give fixed height to a sliverList in flutter?

I am trying to make a collapsible toolbar that shrinks when scrolling the page.

For that, I am using Slivers. By using SliverList , when the data gets scrolled, it goes up in the phone screen top battery and time transparent bar. Hence, I want to give the list fixed height so that it gets scrolled in a limited area.


I tried putting the SliverList into a SingleChildScrollView , a SizedBox , or a Container . But none worked.

  delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate((context, index) {
    return Container(
      color: Colors.white,
      child: Text("Text"),

You can change the height of slivers by using itemExtend property in SliverFixedExtentList . Henceforth all the children will take the same height as 150.0. Can you check the below code?

   child: CustomScrollView(
    slivers: <Widget>[
        title: Text('SliverAppBar'),
        backgroundColor: Colors.green,
        expandedHeight: 200.0,
        flexibleSpace: FlexibleSpaceBar(
          background: Image.asset('assets/forest.jpg', fit: BoxFit.cover),
        itemExtent: 150.0,
        delegate: SliverChildListDelegate(
            Container(color: Colors.red),
            Container(color: Colors.purple),
            Container(color: Colors.green),
            Container(color: Colors.orange),
            Container(color: Colors.yellow),
            Container(color: Colors.pink),

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