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Increment Value $k use Array Insert loop

I need to increase the value of the $ k variable every time a record of that loop is inserted in order to insert the array I have with the necessary values. Here I leave a part of the code to see if you can help me.

$k = 0;

foreach ($detalles as $d) {
  $num = $d['stock'];
  $val = floor($num/$limite);

  for($i=0;$i<$limite;$i++) {
    $arr[$i] = $val;
  $arr[0] += $num - array_sum($arr);
    'id_trx_header'=> $id,
    'producto' => $d['id_producto'],
    'cantidad' =>  $arr[$k]++,
    'tipo_transaccion'=> 2]
}   // foreach detalles

I am not sure about your question but hope this will be you Replace this code

'cantidad' =>  $arr[$k]++,


'cantidad' =>  $arr[$k],

and this code in last section


so final code will be like this

$k = 0;

foreach ($detalles as $d) {
 $k++;  //added
 //echo $k."<br>"; // if you want to check update value of $k
 $num = $d['stock'];
 $val = floor($num/$limite);

 for($i=0;$i<$limite;$i++) {
   $arr[$i] = $val;

 $arr[0] += $num - array_sum($arr);

'id_trx_header'=> $id,
'producto' => $d['id_producto'],
'cantidad' =>  $arr[$k], //update 
'tipo_transaccion'=> 2]


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