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Powershell: conditional join delimiter for empty array (ignore delimiter if empty)?

I'm new to PowerShell and could not find a proper answer to this one:

I'm building a script that may require some manual modification at times. There is an array that is giving me grief when it is empty due to a join. I am not sure how to evaluate the array for when it is empty while preserving my lazy delimiter.

$array = @() -join '|'

In this case: '$array.count' returns 1, whereas I'd prefer to skip the -join if empty and return '0'. Is there a way to make the join conditional based on a populated array?

Maybe you could add a conditional somewhere in your code to make it work. If the array count is equals to one, in your case, it means it is empty. For example:

if($array.count -le 1) { ... }

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