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Oracle: Trigger to insert values into another Table with one additional auto increment primary key column

I have one Oracle table say


I have another Oracle table

recordid --> this is supposed to be an auto increment primary key

What I want is a trigger which inserts the record inserted into Table1 into Table2 as well but with the additional primary key integer column recordid being incremented and inserted automatically. I am able to insert records without Table2 having this additional primary key column constraint using a trigger but when I try this additional column its giving issues.

I have tried creating an auto increment sequence (say MySeq ) and tried to insert to create a trigger

create trigger MyTrigger
after insert on Table1
for each row
  insert into Table2 values ( :new.roll_number,:new.myTimestamp,select MySeq.nextval into :new.recordid  from dual );

but no luck. Thanks in advance

Please try this:

create or replace trigger MyTrigger after insert on Table1 for each row

DECLARE v_recordid int;

BEGIN select MySeq.nextval into v_recordid from dual;

insert into Table2 (roll_number,myTimestamp,recordid) values (:new.roll_number,:new.myTimestamp,v_recordid ); end;

There's nothing wrong with it - at least, it works properly on my 11gXE (which database version do you use?):

SQL> create table table1 (roll_number number, mytimestamp date);

Table created.

SQL> create sequence myseq;

Sequence created.

SQL> create table table2 (roll_number number, mytimestamp date, recordid number);

Table created.

SQL> create or replace trigger mytrigger
  2    after insert on table1
  3    for each row
  4  begin
  5    insert into table2 values
  6      (:new.roll_number, :new.mytimestamp, myseq.nextval);
  7  end;
  8  /

Trigger created.

SQL> insert into table1 values (1, sysdate);

1 row created.

SQL> select * From table2;

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          1 12.03.2021 07:14:42          1


Alternatively, instead of VALUES use SELECT :

SQL> create or replace trigger mytrigger
  2    after insert on table1
  3    for each row
  4  begin
  5    insert into table2
  6      select :new.roll_number, :new.mytimestamp, myseq.nextval
  7      from dual;
  8  end;
  9  /

Trigger created.

SQL> insert into table1 values (2, sysdate);

1 row created.

SQL> select * From table2;

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          1 12.03.2021 07:14:42          1
          2 12.03.2021 07:16:00          2


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