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XSD - List with all fixed values

What would be the correct XML Schema declaration for:

    <question quest="Name?" cod="n_name">Variable Content</question>
    <question quest="Weight?" cod="n_weight">Variable Content</question>

Every value for both attributes should be in the XSD enumeration.

So far I tried: (It doesen't work)

        <xs:element name="question">
              <xs:attribute name="quest">
                <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                    <xs:enumeration value="Name?"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="Weight?"/>
            <xs:attribute name="cod">
                <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                    <xs:enumeration value="n_name"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="n_weight"/>

Using this web to test: https://www.freeformatter.com/xml-validator-xsd.html

In XML Schema, the name of a tag identifies its type and the type describes the allowed content. When a tag repeats, each occurrence has the same type.

So you cannot apply one set of rules to the attributes in //answersList/question[1] and a different set of rules to the attributes in //answersList/question[2] .

It seems to me that what you are actually looking for is cross-node constraints: "if X is A then Y must be B". That can be achieved using assertions in XSD 1.1; it can't be achieved in XSD 1.0.

You can constrain each of the attributes to a fixed set of values using an enumeration type (a simple type defined by restricting xs:string with an enumeration facet), and you can define cross-attribute constraints using assertions, provided that you use an XSD 1.1 processor.

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