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Binding button to subprogram with a key


import tkinter as tk

win = tk.Tk()
win.resizable('False', 'False')


def entered(): #Receives input by the user and deletes what it has written. 
   value = entry.get()

def delete_insert(event):#Deletes what it's written by default in the entry widget.
   entry.delete(0, 'end')
   entry.config(fg = 'black')

def add_insert(event):
   entry.insert(0, 'Click Here')

frame = tk.Frame(win)
frame.grid(column = 0, row = 0)

button_entry = tk.Button(frame)
button_entry.pack(side = 'right')
button_entry.config(text = 'Buscar', command = entered)
button_entry.bind('Control-Enter', entered) #Keep this line in mind please.

entry = tk.Entry(frame)
entry.pack(side = 'right', padx = 5)
entry.insert(0,'Click Here') #Default text in entry widget.
entry.bind('<FocusIn>', delete_insert)
entry.bind('<FocusOut>', add_insert)





The line of code which binds button_entry with entered() subprogramn when pressing Enter doesn't seem work.

button_entry.bind('<Control-Enter>', entered)

Why not? When entered() subprogramn is run, it deletes the text inserted in entry widget

def entered(event):

    entry.delete(0, 'end')


entry.insert(0,'Click here')

Thus, my goal is, when the button button_entry is activated by Enter key, it runs subprogram entered() . Therefore, it deletes the text inserted in entry by the user.


What I've tried:

I add the parameter event to entered() as follows entered(event) . Like with the other functions so the binding would work. Unfortunately, when you click button_entry you get the following error:

TypeError: entered() missing 1 requiered positional argument: 'event'

Although, If you click Enter , the key on your keyboard, nothing happens, or atleast it seems like it because the subprogram I've bound to button_entry isn't executed

What I'm trying to accomplish is similar to what you do when you google things , you input what you want in the search engine and then click enter on your keyboard.

Two mistakes, your binding key is wrong and your function call also seems wrong. Plus you are binding to the button, then it requires the button to have focus, only then bind will work. So your code would be:

def entered(event=None): 
   value = entry.get()

entry.bind('<Return>',lambda event: entered()) # Bind the enter key to the entry
# OR win.bind(same thing above)

event is set to None so that when the button tries to call this function and no args are passed, it wont throw an error at you.

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