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Proxy server issue setting using GoogleNews api

There seems to be an issue with the office firewall in accessing GoogleNews api. Initially, the code below gave empty results. I am able to run the below code after I added proxy the environment variable in my user account

http_proxy http://abcd.mno.com:10023

https_proxy https://abcd.mno.com:10023

I was able to run it successfully both at command prompt as well as on Spyder. My current laptop is connected to work network thru vpn.

Now I wish to set up in another laptop. I hit the same issue. I have set the environment variable in my user account as above. The.condarc file also shows the above proxy_servers. But I am getting empty results. This laptop is in my office, connected to work network thru LAN

What can I do to ensure the proxy setting is properly configured?

The simplified code that I am using to test that the api is working is as below:

import pandas as pd
import os
import time
from GoogleNews import GoogleNews
from datetime import timedelta, date
googlenews = GoogleNews()


results = googlenews.result()


So, if you have your own HTTP/HTTPS proxy(s) that you want to use to make requests to Google, that's how you do it:

gn = GoogleNews()

gn.top_news(proxies = {'https':''})

For more info please refer https://pypi.org/project/pygooglenews/

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